Best Driving School

Common Errors On Your Driving Test

Your driving test is around the corner, and you feel a little bit anxious. You would hate to err and be disqualified after the driving test. What you will need is to prepare thoroughly and avoid these common mistakes.

With this knowledge and practice, you can be sure to have a high score. We highlight these common mistakes and how you can avoid them.


Failure to Use Mirrors

One of the things that the driving tests appraise you is your ability to use mirrors correctly. Some students forget about the side mirrors as well as the rear mirror. You can avoid this mistake by using the mirrors regularly, especially when changing lanes, approaching a junction, changing speed, or even pulling out.


Being Too Speedy Or Too Slow

Speed is one of the major causes of road accidents. And your instructor will test to see if you can use the right speeds for specific roads. Some people embrace overconfidence and drive too fast while others are too careful and thus drive slowly. Either extreme is not right, as it would lead to failure of your driving tests. Your goal is to maintain the right speed is to ensure smooth driving and not impede other drivers by causing traffic.


Forgetting About Signals

Many students forget that they are not alone on the roads. Consequently, they forget to signal other drivers of their intentions and may cause some serious problems. Others misuse the signals. For example, signaling a left turn while taking a right turn.

Always give the correct signals so that other drivers may know what you are up to. As you signal, please do not do it abruptly. It would help if you allowed other road users time to make the right decision and act appropriately. You should learn and master those signals well before the driving test. While on the road, endeavor to have some composure to avoid getting mixed up.


Reverse Parking

Parking tests are one of the leading causes of driving test failures. There is no shortcut to this other than practicing over and over. You can achieve reverse parking successfully by checking your position on the road, making correct observations, and parking accurately. You must look at the blind spots as well.


Wrong Braking Maneuvers

Your driving exam will test your ability to brake correctly and on time. Some students brake so hard that they throw passengers forward. This mistake can earn you a disqualification.

Instead, break soft enough to get the job done unless it is an emergency. One way to avoid braking too hard is to familiarize yourself with the car you will be using and its brakes.


Failing To Keep The Right Distance

Situations of students following too closely are not uncommon. Such a short distance is a recipe for trouble should something arise. It is, therefore, important to always maintain the recommended distance between your vehicle and the one ahead. The correct distance between cars allows ample reaction time to ensure the safety of passengers at all times. Practice how you can estimate the right distance and keep at it.


Not Preparing Your Car

It is not uncommon for students to show up with cars that could lead to driving test failure. Vehicles that are not well cleaned, whose seat belts are not working well, or with a cracked windshield should not be used for the driving test. All of these should be avoided. Plan to have the car serviced adequately beforehand. Fix all potential areas that can reduce your driving effectiveness. Ensure the mirrors are well cleaned for accurate visibility.


Changing Lanes At The Wrong Places Or In The Wrong Way

Time and again, you will see people changing lanes at the intersections. This is a wrong move, even when the road is clear, or you are driving straight. You are only allowed to change lanes past the intersection. When you are at a place that you are allowed to change lanes, check your mirrors first, look through the blind spot and also signal before changing lanes. Also, consider the traffic ahead and maintain the ideal speed to match up with the road. The goal is to change lanes when it is clear.


Inadequate Steering Control

While it is important to show confidence during your driving test, overconfidence can be costly. Some people will steer the vehicle with one hand as a mark of skill mastery. However, this is wrong for your driving tests. It is vital to use both hands to steer the car in the desired direction. This ensures full control of the vehicle.


Slowing Down But Not Stopping

It is possible to see a person slow down but not come to a stop. When slowing down to stop, ensure you stop before the demarcation line.


Overtaking Mistakes

When overtaking another vehicle, you need to be cautious. The mechanics of it depends on the road you are using. When using a two-lane, you should be able to clearly see the left lane, and it should be free of oncoming vehicles before passing the car ahead. Avoid turning back to the right lane until you can see the entire vehicle you have overtaken on your rear-view mirror. You should get back to the right lane before 200 feet of the incoming vehicle. It is not allowed to drive off the pavement when you are overtaking another car either on the left or right.


Failing to Yield to Pedestrians

Pedestrians have the right of way. When approaching crosswalks, it is essential to stop. When turning, if you see pedestrians, you should give them the right of way. Ignoring this simple rule may result in a lower score in your driving exams.


Confusion At Four-Way Stops

When you get to the four ways, you may be unsure how to navigate. The driver who gets there first has the right of way. If you are both at the same time, the one on the right should go first.

Passing your driving test should not be a problem when you avoid the mistakes mentioned above. You will need to practice and learn over and over to perfect your driving skills.

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